Agostino Incisa della Rocchetta - THE LAST MISSION OF THE ARMORED ROME - Mursia, 1978 - pp. 226. The first book entirely dedicated to the Battleship Roma, written by a surviving officer, who has now disappeared. Beautiful, although it is mainly dedicated to an audience of great fans of the story; indispensable to consult for any research and in-depth analysis. It contains many testimonies of other survivors of the crew and extracts from the minutes of the Special Commission of Inquiry, but also some small technical inaccuracies on the ship. Beautiful photographs. Difficulty of retrieval: high, out of print

Ireneo Remondi - ADMIRAL CARLO BERGAMINI - BIOGRAPHICAL NEWS - Banca Popolare di San Felice sul Panaro, 1986 - pp. 95. Interesting biographical book on the origins, life, family and the end of the most illustrious citizen of San Felice sul Panaro (MO), the Admiral's hometown. Unavailable on the market, printed in very few copies sponsored by the local bank.

Arturo Catalano Gonzaga di Cirella - FOR THE HONOR OF THE SAVOIA 1943-1944: FROM A SURVIVOR OF THE ARMORED ROME - Mursia, 1996 - pp. 208. Perhaps the most famous along with that of Incisa, is the diary of a surviving Roma officer who has disappeared today. The prologue was exciting: the informal meeting in the 1990s at the author's house between a group of Roma survivors and two of the German pilots who bombed it. The volume is also historically interesting for the parts on board, although they have often been badly assimilated by the "critics" and "experts" of the story, transforming them into the imaginative thesis of mutiny. Some small inaccuracies in the chronology of the moments of the sinking and on the technical part of the ship. The section concerning the royal family is unusual and interesting. The aerial photos of the bombing contained in the volume are excellent, although they had already been published in 'Black September' by Trizzino, 1956 (in which the exploding CT Gioberti appears, mistaken for Roma). Difficulty of finding: easy.

Guido Bellocci - DIARY OF A SAILOR - I WAS ALSO ON THE ARMORED ROME - CLD Edizioni, 2001 - pp. 101. The author, a survivor of Rome, has collected in this book all his experience as a sailor during the Second World War. With Florentine irony he passes with ease from the simpler scenes of life on board alla tragedia and internment. Beautiful photos. Unfortunately it contains some small historical and technical inaccuracies. Difficulty of finding: medium.

Gino Battaglini (edited by Guido Alfano) - SAILORS IN WAR-1940/45 DIARIES OF THREE TWENTY YEARS - Blu Edizioni, 2002 - pp. 159. Divided into three parts, one is written by Gino Battaglini, survivor of the ship, who has now disappeared. Very beautiful and compelling, moving in some places. It contains a historical passage of fundamental importance: Gino saw with his eyes Admiral Bergamini and Commander Del Cima a few moments before dying from the fall of the second FX 1400, thus absolutely denying the absurd hypothesis_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_dell'mutinare. Difficulty to find: easy.

Gino Battaglini (edited by Guido Alfano) - SAILORS IN WAR-1940/45 DIARIES OF THREE TWENTY YEARS - Blu Edizioni, 2002 - pp. 159. Divided into three parts, one is written by Gino Battaglini, survivor of the ship, who has now disappeared. Very beautiful and compelling, moving in some places. It contains a historical passage of fundamental importance: Gino saw with his eyes Admiral Bergamini and Commander Del Cima a few moments before dying from the fall of the second FX 1400, thus absolutely denying the absurd hypothesis_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_dell'mutinare. Difficulty to find: easy.

Pier Paolo Bergamini. THE NAVAL FORCES FROM BATTLE AND THE ARMISTIZIO, 2nd edition - Maritime Magazine, 2003 - pp. 103. It is the only text entirely dedicated to the exact dynamics of the events of 8/9 September 1943 and the background that led to the disaster. Written by the son of Admiral Bergamini, it is an almost perfect text for any historical research. Difficulty of retrieval: medium, at the points of sale of the Historical Office of the Navy.

Marco Gemignani - ADONES OF THE CIMA - COMMANDER OF THE ROME BATTLESHIP - Rai Trade, 2005 - pp. 200. Biographical book on the origins, life, family and the end of Com.te Adone del Cima. Too bad for the hasty editorial work, which obtained the result of presenting the reader with a book with disordered graphics, which does little honor to some beautiful photographs. The author is a professor at the Military Academy of Livorno and is a great expert in the history and strategy of the Navy. Difficulty of finding: high, not on the market.

Andrea Amici - AN AFTERNOON IN SEPTEMBER - De Ferrari, 2006 - pp. 223. Modern reworking of the war diary of the author's grandfather, a veteran of Rome. It contains valid photographs and unpublished descriptions of life on board and the ship. Some editorial errors, in the chronology of events and on technical arguments lower the quality of the work. Difficulty of retrieval: high, out of print

Amics de l'Illa de l'Hospital - EL HOSPITAL DE LA ISLA DEL REY DEL PUERTO DE MAHON - Editorial Menorca, 2006 - pp. 279. A collection of known island information within the island. This enclave in the center of the port of Mahon where the history of the Mediterranean has passed. From the early Christian Basilica of the sixth century AD. C. to the dominations that have followed one another over time, up to the tragic story of the shipwrecked people of the battleship Roma. A panoramic view of the recovery of its history and its structures, by volunteers, after many years of neglect. Multi-hand written in Spanish with many illustrations. Difficulty of finding: high, not on the market.

Klaus Deumling - 41 SEKUNDEN BIS ZUM EINSCHLAG - Als Bomberpilot im Kampfgeschwader 100 Wiking mit del geheimen Fernlenkbombe Fritz X - HEK Creativ Verlag Garbsen, 2008 - pag. 110. Diary of war and of a life of Dr. Klaus Deumling, Lutwaffe pilot who died today who participated in the bombing of the RNRoma on 9 September 1943. The text, in German language, analyzes the story in a technical and human way with a different point of observation - very interesting - starting from the beginning of the military career, the actions, the imprisonment and the continuation of life after the conflict. Good photographs, largely known. The book is dedicated to the author's family and to the fallen of the RNRoma. Difficulty of retrieval: medium.

Giuliano Marenco - ITALIAN WAR SHIPS INSIDE THE BALEARIC SHIPS AFTER 8 SEPTEMBER - Lampi di stampa, 2009 - pag. 335. Excellent work on the history of all seven units that rescued the shipwrecked people of the battleship Roma, the internation and the complex diplomatic disputes to keep the crews and ships, repatriating them to Italy in January '45. The author is the son of Squadra Admiral Franco Marenco, embarked on 9.9.'43 on CT Carabiniere as shooting director. The only defect of the volume is the lack of any photographic insert. Difficulty of finding: easy.

Andrea Amici - AN ITALIAN TRAGEDY - 1943. The sinking of the battleship Roma - Longanesi, 2010 - pp. 320. Extensively revised re-edition of the book "An afternoon in September", De Ferrari, 2006. This is the live account of what really happened aboard the Battleship Roma in the days immediately preceding 9 September 1943, the shipwreck, the internment and the return home of the Author's grandfather. In addition to an unusual description of the ship, the volume contains some rare photographs of great historical importance. Despite the reissue work, slight inaccuracies are still present. Difficulty of finding: easy.

Domenico Carro - ARMORED ROME. EXCELLENCE AND ABNEGATION FOR THE HOMELAND - Roma Capitale, Presidency of the Capitoline Assembly, Eureka Cooperativa Sociale - pp. 148. The history of the RN Rome written with a simple and concise line, maintaining the exact historical analysis of the events. Well suited to those approaching the subject for the first time, the book is set up as a sort of novel dedicated to the Officers of the "Sharks" course, from whose vivid and moving testimonies the imaginary young ensign author of this paper drew the his story, apocryphal but truthful. It contains numerous unpublished images of the interiors of the battleship Roma, which contribute to significantly increasing the value of the work. Sponsored by the Presidency of the Capitoline Assembly of Roma Capitale, the book is distributed free of charge. Difficulty of finding: high, not on the market.

Carlo Leone (by the Priest Don Mario De Nunzio) - One Life. A story. A Medal - Memoirs of a Sailor of the Royal Ship "Roma" - Sponsored by the City of Lecce, UTAL Typography, 2011 - pp. 146. Moving reconstruction of the memories of a life of the living survivor Carlo Leone. The childhood and adolescence spent in an orphanage, the great poverty of southern Italy in the 1930s and voluntary enrollment in the Regia Marina. Then the embarkation on the Battleship Roma, the shipwreck, the internment in Spain and the rebirth of a country that was torn apart by the war. economic edition significantly lowers the image quality. There is also a chapter dedicated to the author's poems. Admirable is the will of the protagonist, who with great effort and humility has always struggled to improve. Also recommended for the youngest. Difficulty of finding: medium.

Mahón, Diary of a sailor by Attilio Regolo, Akkuaria publishing house -pagg. 83
The diary begins on 8 September 1943 and tells the story from that date until the end of the war.

Riccardo Mattòli - The tragic end of the Royal battleship Rome, Gangemi editions, pp. 256
In this book, the unpublished diary of the twenty-three year old Lieutenant of Vascello Franco Mattòli is published for the first time, one of the few survivors to remain unharmed after the bombing by German planes. From the armistice to the sinking and subsequent rescue on the Machine Gunner Up to the internment in Port Mahón

Adriana Mango - Dellisanti, 2016
Speaking to us in these pages is the voice of a witness: that of Giuseppe Mango, a young sailor embarked on the "Rome", the warship that most tragically symbolizes the fate of our Navy in the Second World War. He does so in this volume that his daughter Adriana dedicates to him, as evidence of an ever-vivid memory, and of a noble family pride. One would think that if others had followed (or followed) his example, we would have an absolutely extraordinary source of first-hand precious information from a historical and human point of view, such as to make possible a deeper knowledge of the relationship between Italians and their as yet unexplored drama that was the 1940-1945 war. The title of the book is well chosen: Giuseppe Mango had not only the destiny of surviving death, but also the sad oblivion (this elegant word is the right one) with which official Italy destined the 1940-1945 fighters, almost if they were not guilty, at least involved in that unfortunate war, and of which in the end it is better to remain silent.

Eleonora Facco - The Branch of Infinity, Fontes 2011 editions. Euro 15, pp. 303
The discovery of a skeleton in a Tuscan tourist cave in 2009. The story of a sailor chosen in service in La Spezia in 1943. A student from Genoa who has to make important decisions for her life and a secret expedition in 1972. How they are connected between them events and characters? Are they really that far away in time and space? And how are the speleologists of the tourist cave involved in the events? It will be the task of Marshal Di Stefano, now close to retirement, to recompose this apparently meaningless mosaic.
In this fast-paced novel, the author tells a time-diluted story against the backdrop of great historical events: the last terrible days before the September 8 armistice; the years of lead, terrorism and student revolts and the confused "0" years of our days, so different and distant from other periods. More than a traditional detective novel, "La Diramazione dell'Infinito" is an exciting meeting of various stories and humanity in the course of more than sixty years of Italian history, enriched by speleological and dialectal notations that make it a novel sui generis.

Eleonora Facco - The Branch of Infinity, Fontes 2011 editions. Euro 15, pp. 303
The discovery of a skeleton in a Tuscan tourist cave in 2009. The story of a sailor chosen in service in La Spezia in 1943. A student from Genoa who has to make important decisions for her life and a secret expedition in 1972. How they are connected between them events and characters? Are they really that far away in time and space? And how are the speleologists of the tourist cave involved in the events? It will be the task of Marshal Di Stefano, now close to retirement, to recompose this apparently meaningless mosaic.
In this fast-paced novel, the author tells a time-diluted story against the backdrop of great historical events: the last terrible days before the September 8 armistice; the years of lead, terrorism and student revolts and the confused "0" years of our days, so different and distant from other periods. More than a traditional detective novel, "La Diramazione dell'Infinito" is an exciting meeting of various stories and humanity in the course of more than sixty years of Italian history, enriched by speleological and dialectal notations that make it a novel sui generis.

Eleonora Facco - The Branch of Infinity, Fontes 2011 editions. Euro 15, pp. 303
The discovery of a skeleton in a Tuscan tourist cave in 2009. The story of a sailor chosen in service in La Spezia in 1943. A student from Genoa who has to make important decisions for her life and a secret expedition in 1972. How they are connected between them events and characters? Are they really that far away in time and space? And how are the speleologists of the tourist cave involved in the events? It will be the task of Marshal Di Stefano, now close to retirement, to recompose this apparently meaningless mosaic.
In this fast-paced novel, the author tells a time-diluted story against the backdrop of great historical events: the last terrible days before the September 8 armistice; the years of lead, terrorism and student revolts and the confused "0" years of our days, so different and distant from other periods. More than a traditional detective novel, "La Diramazione dell'Infinito" is an exciting meeting of various stories and humanity in the course of more than sixty years of Italian history, enriched by speleological and dialectal notations that make it a novel sui generis.

Eleonora Facco - The Branch of Infinity, Fontes 2011 editions. Euro 15, pp. 303
The discovery of a skeleton in a Tuscan tourist cave in 2009. The story of a sailor chosen in service in La Spezia in 1943. A student from Genoa who has to make important decisions for her life and a secret expedition in 1972. How they are connected between them events and characters? Are they really that far away in time and space? And how are the speleologists of the tourist cave involved in the events? It will be the task of Marshal Di Stefano, now close to retirement, to recompose this apparently meaningless mosaic.
In this fast-paced novel, the author tells a time-diluted story against the backdrop of great historical events: the last terrible days before the September 8 armistice; the years of lead, terrorism and student revolts and the confused "0" years of our days, so different and distant from other periods. More than a traditional detective novel, "La Diramazione dell'Infinito" is an exciting meeting of various stories and humanity in the course of more than sixty years of Italian history, enriched by speleological and dialectal notations that make it a novel sui generis.