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The chronological reconstruction of the events that developed up to the sinking of the Roma, is largely based on the data reported by the 2nd edition of the publication of Com. Pier Paolo Bergamini "The Naval Forces from Battaglia and the armistice" (2003) edited from the Maritime Magazine.
THEtexts of some documents were taken from the volume by Giovanni Bernardi "The Navy, the armistices and the peace treaty" of the Historical Office of the MM
The hypotheses on the actual place of the sinking were elaborated from the data taken from various publications and photographs.

The happening of events is divided into 3 sections:
The Armistice
from 12 August to 8 September 1943
The sinking
from the evening of 8 to 9 September 1943
Internment and prologue
from 10 September 1943, to the return of the castaways in 1945 and to the discovery of the wreck in 2014
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